Sensor Dusk To Dawn: Point the tiny hole in the candle's body to the window, and the built-in light sensors could react to the lightness changes, controlling the switch which makes these electric window candles auto turn on at dusk when sunset and auto turn off at dawn when the sun rises up, lighting up your window the whole night without extra operation and setup.
Convenient Suction Cups: Each led window candle is equipped with a strong suction cup, install these candles on the window rather than using a holder on the sill, perfectly avoid being knocked down or tangled by the curtain, especially a saver for those who have french windows or narrow window sills. Just to be noticed, please make sure the suction cup and the glass surface are clean and flat enough.
7 inches Roman column: Ivory stripped taper candles with flickering 3D flamelight above, like infinity flame burning at the palace, 2 AA batteries (not included) powered could last 30+ days, no matter used individually or together with candle holders, these flameless window candles can bring a fresh natural feeling to your place.
Flickering Candle Flame: 3D solid led bead allows the holiday window candle flame to have no defects from every angle, and the strong flickering light mode makes the flame can be noticed even across the street, simulating the real candle effects and also could avoid burning and smoking, never worry about your kids or pets getting hurt when using these led taper candles.
Package and Service: Each package contains 6 pcs candlesticks and 6 suction cups. Each battery powered window candle is thoroughly and rigorously tested before sale, Avoid using them in high-temperature or high-humidity environments. If any problems during use, please contact our Customer Support Team, we will always be at your service.